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Dr Tiancun Xiao is a Senior Research Fellow, Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory, also the CEO of OxCCU Tech Ltd, a spinout company from Oxford University.
Our research work focus on the novel catalysts materials and process for clean process and circular economy, For example we developed catalyst for waste plastics or tyres to clean fuels, or convert waste polymers into monomers, such as waste polystyrene into styrene. In our group, we have novel process and catalysts for CO2 capture and utilization in one-step, which can be used for energy storage and also power for fuel cell. We also develop novel ways for hydrogen generation for hydrogen therapy or fuel cell applications.
Why is Oxford a good place to work in research related to environmental challenges?
Oxford has the world leading research and development scientists in finding the key problems in society and environment also have outstanding team working to solving the problems and overcome the challenge the human being faced. It has a great and fertile eco-system for technology application.
What is the biggest environmental challenge facing the planet right now?
Climate Changes and the excessive emission by human being.
Despite the challenges, are you optimistic about our future?
Yes we are optimistic as we have solutions.
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