In Oxford The Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre (GCSCC) is a leading international centre for research on efficient and effective cybersecurity capacity-building, promoting an increase in the scale, pace, quality and impact of cybersecurity capacity-building initiatives across the world.

It has created a first-of-its-kind model to review cybersecurity capacity maturity across five areas (or ‘dimensions’), which aims to enable nations to self-assess, benchmark, better plan investments and national cybersecurity strategies, and set priorities for capacity development.
The GCSCC has initiated a regional strategy by establishing regional collaboration partnerships with centres of excellence in key locations around the world. The first collaboration has been established with the Oceania Cyber Security Centre(OCSC), Melbourne, funded by the State Government of Victoria, which will seek to deploy the CMM in the 15 countries of the Oceania region by 2019. In 2020, the constellation welcomed the Cybersecurity Capacity Centre for Southern Africa (C3SA) as the second regional partner. C3SA is based at the University of Cape Town (UCT) and is a consortium between the GCSCC, UCT’s Department of Information Systems, Research ICT Africa, a digital policy think tank based in Cape Town, and the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI).
The three centres of the Global Constellation, GCSCC, OCSC and C3SA, aim to drive regionally informed cybersecurity capacity research and lead the deployment of the CMM in their respective regions, sustaining the CMM’s impact from the past six years.
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