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Dr Carina Joe is a Senior Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Vaccine Development focusing on viral vector vaccines. She has been working as the lead scientist in process development for large scale cGMP manufacturing of the Oxford/Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine, which the team managed to develop in record time. Their manufacturing technology has been transferred to multiple GMP manufacturing facilities around the world, enabling clinical trials and global vaccine supply at cost to dozens of countries. As of October 2021, more than 2 billion doses of vaccine have been administered around the world, saving millions of lives. She has been awarded the People of the Year Award 2021 in category Scientific Breakthrough by Metro TV.
What is your main area(s) of interest/expertise?
My main interest is in the development of new platform technology for vaccine or drug candidates that can be modified to target new diseases. I have expertise in cell culture fermentation and process development for large-scale manufacturing with cGMP standards for adenovirus-based viral vector, recombinant proteins, virus-like particles, monoclonal antibodies or any other biological products for the purpose of clinical trials or commercialisation.
What are you working on right now?
I’m working on the continuous improvement on manufacturing processes for Adenovirus-vectored vaccines. I play a leadership role in several international collaborative projects working with industrial partners. I am contributing to the development of the BioProcess and Analytical Development (BiPAD) core facility, which has been founded to improve translation of medical research findings to improving patient outcomes.
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