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Jose Maria Valenzuela is a doctoral student in (International) Public Policy, Blavatnik School of Government
Main area(s) of interest/expertise
I work on the evolution of energy governance, climate politics and transnational action, centered on how people, ideas and organisations interact change the present institutions.
Why is Oxford a good place to work in research related to environmental challenges?
Oxford has a culture of collaboration across departments that allows early career researchers to find promising areas for future impact in government and industry. As a social scientist from Latin America with experience in China, I can simultaneously work on climate and energy in its social dimensions with the School of Government and the School of Global and Area Studies, and technical dimensions collaborating in large-scale research programmes through the Oxford Martin School.
What is the biggest environmental challenge facing the planet right now?
Extractivism, the notion that the most important goal of a society is economic growth resulting in mildly-checked industrial pollution and the dislocation of ecosystems.
Despite the challenges, are you optimistic about our future?
Yes, I am optimistic. I am convinced that human societies are capable of redefining the meaning of value, in ways that dematerialize consumption and facilitates fairer conditions for livelihoods.
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