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Dr Phil Grünewald (FICE) is Deputy Director of Energy Research and an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Fellow.
He uses data driven approaches to understand and change household energy demand.
The UK is already halfway towards its Net Zero goal, but the second half will require significant social and behavioural changes. His team at the METER project collects rich and high-resolution demand data and train models to inform policy for a fast, fair and affordable transition. Phil advises BEIS on data and digitalisation strategies in the energy sector.
He is an EPSRC Fellow at the Department of Engineering Science. He modelled whole energy systems and techno-economics of grid storage, before joining the School of Geography and the Environment at Oxford, where he led the Energy Network and the Flexibility theme of the Energy Program in the Environmental Change Institute.
Prior to academia, he developed cutting edge lithography tools for Intel and laser processes for the photovoltaic industry.
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