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Philip Stier is Professor of Atmospheric Physics and Head of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics in Oxford’s Department of Physics. He also leads the Climate Processes Group and is on the steering group of the university’s Oxford Climate Research Network.
Philip’s main research interests are in clouds and aerosol physics, their interactions and relationship to the climate. He is a key figure in environmental research and works to understand the relationship between clouds and climate change. He is looking at ways in which the impact of pollutions on clouds clouds can be identified, which includes tracking from known pollution sources such as ships and volcanoes and AI techniques which can analyse large scale satellite data as well as comprehensive computer models of the Earth’s atmosphere and climate.
In his role in the Department of Physics, Philip is fully engaged with undergraduate and postgraduate students. He also teaches in the Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans course and supervises climate research students.
Why is Oxford a good place to work in research related to environmental challenges?
We have a uniquely comprehensive research portfolio in environmental research, from the fundamentals in Physics all the way to work on impacts, mitigation and policy. It is such an inspiration (and fun) to work with so many leading experts across all related areas.
What is the biggest environmental challenge facing the planet right now?
We have only a very short time-window remaining to keep Earth’s temperatures below dangerous levels. At the same time, we still need to understand many fundamentals of climate to understand and be able to prepare for the impacts of climate change.
Despite the challenges, are you optimistic about our future?
Yes, as I sense a real change in attitude towards and understanding of climate change across sectors. However, the timeline towards net zero is incredibly tight so we need to get everyone on board.
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