Showing articles associated with Rick Van der Ploeg
Professor of Economics and Research Director of the Oxford Centre for the Analysis of Resource Rich Economies.
My main interest is the economics of climate policy taking account of uncertainty and tipping points, and income distributional aspects.
Why is Oxford a good place to work in research related to environmental challenges?
Oxford has world-class experts on all aspects of global warming: physics, biology, economics, finance, geography, politics and sociology.
What is the biggest environmental challenges facing the planet right now?
To kickstart politicians throughout the globe to realise that urgent action to halt global warming is needed, since else points of no return will be unavoidable. The other key challenge is to facilitate green R&D to speed up the transition to the global economy.
Despite the challenges, are you optimistic about our future?
Not really, but one can imagine that once a few countries take the lead other countries will follow. Also, social tipping and ratchet effects might lead to a more sudden of the fossil fuel era than markets currently expect.
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